Extra services

Parfois, les projets nécessitent de sortir des sentiers battus et pour cela, nous avons un large éventail d’options.

Modèles VR 360 ° avec localisation réelle

Analyse numérique

Scale models

Measuring architecture

360° VR models with real location

We offer 360° VR services for current or new designs based on the real location of the project. In this manner you can visualize the design in the browser or with a specific application using any VR headset. Currently we can also provide real time visualization with our holographic headset. Full-screen versions can be seen here 360M and here 360S .


Analyse numérique

Selon la situation, nous pouvons fournir une analyse numérique pour soutenir le processus de conceptionIl s’agit davantage d’une approche analytique que d’un service d’ingénierie. L’analyse du vent et de l’éclairage est utile dans les premières étapes du projet.


Pour une meilleure compréhension du projet, nous pouvons fournir des modèles physiques imprimés en 3D pour chaque étape du processus de conception.

Measuring architecture

Before starting our design process we take accurate dimensions of the site where the project will be built and create digital drawings.

With our point cloud technology we can obtain the surroundings of your design in a digital format, both interior and exterior, and synchronise it with the digital survey.

In some cases where it is required for the design to be viewed as a physical model, we offer 3D printing and CNC* layout services as well.


We can provide machine cutting data for specific element manufacturing.

Découpe au laser

Scale models can be made with the help of laser cutters.


Depending on situation some elements of the project can be tailored designed and built.